Staff development

Our Continual Professional Development courses are designed specifically to meet the needs of your organisation. Staff development is essential for retention and motivation, it provides the opportunity for new outlooks and thus, new outcomes for learners. All of our programs are certificated by us and the partnering organisation.

undefined V.I. Rehabilitation: Evidence Based Practice

Providing evidence of practice is essential in today’s Social Care sector. This course seeks to improve understanding of the factors that influence the effective delivery of a needs led service, the importance of accurate recording in evidence based practice and the necessity for measurable outcomes relating to the needs of the individual. Rehabilitation Workers and associated professionals such as Social Workers, Occupational Therapists and those working in Voluntary organisations will find the content particularly useful.

undefined Customised training, workshops & seminars

Our customised training is very popular. Content is organisation specific and built to meet the needs of learners and the services provided. Delivery methods vary from online, face-to-face or a mixture of both. We have listed some examples of customised training that we have delivered in the past – these may provide you with ideas for your own organisation, staff and service.

  • Wheelchair mobility for people with a sight loss
  • Sight loss awareness programmes
  • Orientation & Mobility: Working with children
  • Application of technology for blind travel
  • Application of technology for daily living
  • Working with older people
  • Spatial awareness and knowledge acquisition

If academic accreditation is required, we can develop your training programme to achieve this. We are happy to discuss your requirement or thoughts about specific training needs, please get in touch.

undefined The Eye & Sight Loss

All organisations working in the field of visual impairment would like their staff to have a working knowledge of the human eye and conditions that affect it. Based on our accredited unit, this one day program will inform your staff and enable them to have a better understanding of sight and the visual impact caused by disease or injury. Customisable to meet your organisational need, this popular program can provide the basis for further formal study.

‘Every learner has their own experiences, their own identity and their own motivators’

James Aylett – Managing Director